Offer a refreshing experience!

By redefining indoor climate, Nomestic Air Quality Solutions allows companies to prioritize customer health. Using technology and innovation, you can design spaces where customers can enjoy themselves in safety.

Nomistic Air Quality Solutions for cafes and stores will revolutionize the hospitality and retail industry. Leverage innovations to ensure the safety and comfort of your customers. Improve customer experiences by creating a setting where conviviality and health go hand in hand.

Offer a fresh and safe dining experience

Prioritize customer well-being

Nomestic solutions allow you to offer guests a safe and healthy environment while they enjoy your menu choices.

Pleasant dining

Customers enjoy their meals because they know the interior is designed for their comfort and safety.

Improve shopping environments

Create the perfect shopping atmosphere

Nomestic solutions transform your store into an oasis of freshness giving customers the assurance that their safety is your priority.

Trust through insights

Monitor air quality in real time and offer shoppers a comfortable and pleasant experience while exploring your products.

Customer satisfaction redefined

Strengthen customer confidence

Nomestic’s devices provide instant insight into air quality, giving confidence that your business has health and wellness at the top of its mind.

Real-time monitoring

To provide your customers with the best comfort
, it is important to monitor indoor air quality variables such as CO2 levels, temperature and humidity.

Transforming the shopping experience

Better sales experience

Nomestic solutions make customers feel valued and that their well-being matters, making their shopping experience even more enjoyable and satisfying.

Unparalleled well-being

Confident in the fresh, clean air around them, shoppers can concentrate on viewing and picking out products.

Reliable air quality insights

Accurate CO2 measurements

Nomestic CO2 monitors provide precision indoor air assessment and help you maintain ideal CO2 levels for ultimate customer comfort.

Take immediate action

Receive real-time alerts to quickly respond to anomalies for optimal air quality.

Effortlessly harmonize air quality

Custom solutions

Nomestic Solutions seamlessly adapt to the unique layouts and needs of restaurants and stores, ensuring consistent air quality.

Silence guaranteed

Nomestic’s devices work very discreetly, creating a pleasant environment where your customers can focus on the moments that matter.

Why Nomestic for restaurants and stores

Custom expertise

Nomestic understands the distinct requirements of the hospitality and retail industries and offers solutions that perfectly fit the needs within your sector.

Safety and satisfaction

With our solutions, you ensure the perfect balance between security and customer satisfaction, a crucial aspect of running a successful restaurant or store.