Living a healthy life in a healthy home should always be easy

Your well-being is as important as that of your family members, so make sure everyone stays safe and healthy with fresher and cleaner air

An invisible problem

Did you know that we spend more than 90% of our lives indoors in poor air quality?

Indoor air pollution is the world’s greatest environmental hazard. Studies have shown that indoor air is five times worse and a serious threat than outdoor air. Poor indoor air quality increases the risk of sleep disturbances, asthma, headaches, allergies, lung problems, heart problems, concentration problems and mental and physical problems. The worse the air quality, the more susceptible you and your family members are
to diseases and viruses. The connection between the two is obvious, and whether it is dust particles or other irritants, your family deserves better air quality.
Because of poor indoor air quality, 1 in 7 people suffer from respiratory disease. According to WHO, the World Health Organization, 4.3 million deaths are attributed to household air pollution. Within the European Union alone, it is estimated that more than 70 million households have poor indoor air quality.
We cannot see the air in homes, so it is difficult to know what we are breathing. The only way to manage air quality is to measure it, and the first step is knowing that this is possible. Nomestic’s Air Quality Meter measures the quality of the air you breathe so you can take control of what you breathe and take the necessary steps to improve it, thereby improving your health and well-being as well.

You are in control of what you inhale

We offer you a futuristic solution that allows you to create the perfect airspace and a healthy environment in which you ultimately live a long, healthy and, most importantly, happy life.

A good night’s sleep

Nomestic’s CO2 meters in lobbies show your commitment to health and safety.

No more daily inconveniences

Share data with visitors to build trust and a sense of well-being.

Improve your concentration

Facility managers receive timely alerts that allow them to make proactive adjustments to maintain air quality.

Breathing with confidence

Executives demonstrate their genuine commitment to employee health, safety and productivity through advanced air quality solutions.

Improvement in the workplace

Often we do not sleep well and sometimes we wonder what causes all those allergies. Now that is no longer necessary because these innovative CO2 meters provide you with all the data you need to stay fit and healthy.

  • Beter slapen

  • Geconcentreerd blijven

  • Geen onaangename geurtjes meer

  • Minder hoofdpijn en vermoeidheid

  • Betere concentratie

  • Voorkom schimmelvorming

  • Minder allergieΓ«n

  • Betere productiviteit

  • Minimaliseer het gebruik van chemische middelen