Transform your living space

Nomestic Home Air Quality Solutions are extremely innovative solutions for understanding and improving your living room. Through our commitment to innovation and empowerment, we provide advanced tools that allow you to create a home that is healthy and enjoyable. Nomestic specializes in providing an improved lifestyle based on a healthy environment.

With Nomestic Home Air Quality Solutions, you can improve your living space and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Discover the power of smart monitoring tools that allow you to design an environment where well-being thrives and you can rest assured that the air you breathe is pure, healthy and invigorating.

Empowerment through air quality

Boost for personal well-being

Our intelligent air quality monitors provide reliable information that gives you more control over your living space than ever before.

Our intelligent air quality monitors provide reliable information that gives you more control over your living space than ever before.

Your home, your well-being

Comprehensive monitoring

Nomestic offers monitoring equipment with a user-friendly interface that gives you a holistic understanding of your home’s air quality.

Useful insights

Armed with data, you can take informed actions to improve indoor air quality and even address concerns about radon.

The importance of CO2 monitoring

Gold standard for indoor air quality

Carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement is essential for determining indoor air quality and ensuring proper ventilation in homes.

Improve Ventilation

High CO2 levels indicate inadequate ventilation which can lead to discomfort and even health risks. Nomestic CO2 monitors help you identify and resolve them.

The science behind CO2 monitors

Innovative sensor technology

High CO2 levels indicate inadequate ventilation which can lead to discomfort and even health risks. Nomestic CO2 monitors help you identify and resolve them.

Virus restriction

Carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement is essential for determining indoor air quality and ensuring proper ventilation in homes.

Creating an invigorated, healthier home

Better ventilation

Nomestic CO2 monitors help identify poorly ventilated spaces and guide you in implementing effective fresh air circulation solutions.

Mechanical or natural

Our sensors guide you to the best ventilation techniques, either mechanical ventilation or natural airflow through open windows and doors.

Why choose Nomestic?

Unique approach

Nomestic offers a striking perspective on indoor air quality, focusing on improving your daily life by using advanced sensor technology.

Enabling change

With our products, you can take control of your environment, ensuring a healthier home for yourself and your loved ones.